I am thrilled to announce that I will be writing weekly NFL picks articles for Pickwatch for the 2020 season. These articles will be free to access and will be posted on Thursdays and updated throughout the weekend as events warrant.
Here is a quick excerpt of the introductory article on Pickwatch.
Editor's Note: KC Joyner will be joining Pickwatch for our 9th season of tracking NFL picks. A trailblazer in football science with an impeccable pedigree at ESPN and in the NFL, KC will be writing a weekly Pick'em article exclusively for our readers. Here, KC introduces himself and his approach to picks.
Prior to the 2014 season one of my ESPN editors asked if I would like to join the NFL picks group. He said all that was required was to select a winner for every NFL game every week. No point spread, no over/under, no upset specials - just predict who you think is going to win every game each week.
This sort of thing seemed to be right up my alley, being one of the pioneers of the NFL analytics revolution. I started my career by quitting my telecom consulting job in 2003 and taking 18 months to research and write a Bill James-style book titled Scientific Football 2005. I sent copies of that tome to various NFL editors and writers across the country, one of whom was the legendary Paul “Dr. Z” Zimmerman of Sports Illustrated.
Dr. Z liked the book so much that he called me up, did an interview to get some background on how I researched it, and wrote a story about all of this for SI.com. That post was a once-in-a-lifetime career break, as it led to multiple NFL teams buying editions of the Scientific Football book series, working with NFL agents on player contract negotiations, and what turned out to be a 14-year tenure with ESPN writing about the NFL, fantasy football, college football, and the NFL draft.
Applying that analytical research background to straight up picks worked like a champ, as over the past six years my 65.14%-win rate in straight up picks is the second highest among NFL analysts with 1,600 or more picks in that span.
Click here to read the rest of this article: Introducing Pickwatch's Newest Expert: KC Joyner.